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Quality Control

//Quality Control

Quality Control

What makes a quality vitamin?

Not all vitamins are created equal, because the production of the final pill is a multidisciplinary process that consists of several steps involving many parties from selecting the raw materials, fillers and preservatives to putting all of the ingredients together into the final capsule. Not only do different manufacturers use varying capsules and additives, but they also use different forms of raw materials. For example, a calcium pill is never in the raw calcium form, but the calcium comes in the form of calcium citrate or calcium carbonate. One form undergoes better absorption than another in our gut – that’s why selecting the best quality vitamin is most crucial precursor to seeingoptimal results.

A top-notch vitamin follows the simple philosophy of SPARK (Standardization, Potency, Absorption, Raw Materials and Knowledge).

Standardization: Manufacturers must take substantial measures to making sure that all pills in a batch contains exactly the same content because the most common fraud in the vitamin industry is that a vitamin may not contain the amount that it claims to have on the bottle. It is essential to choose the pharmaceutical-grade gold-standard products that are verified by an outside party and sold by licensed healthcare practitioners.

Potency: Each pill should not contain an amount that would be detrimental to the human body but it should contain an amount exceeding the RDA to confer maximal benefit for health. This level should be determined based on evidence-based research through peer-reviewed journals.

Absorption: Absorption of the specific nutrient depends on two main factors: natural versus synthetic compounds and purity of the supplement. For instance, natural vitamin E is better absorbed than synthetic vitamin E, likewise with magnesium aspartate when compared with magnesium oxide. Since natural compounds are more expensive than the synthetic form, some manufacturers opt to use the cheaper compound and sell it in the market for a lower price. Purity of the supplement means that in the manufacturing process, harmful substances such as lead, mercury, pesticides, insecticides and other toxic ingredients that should not be in our food supply have been added.

Raw Materials: It is absolutely necessary that the manufacturers have a good system of verifying the quality of raw materials that they receive from their suppliers. The justification behind this is simple: we cannot trust the labels on vitamins alone. A product that says D 5000 never ensures that the capsule contains 5000 IUs of Vitamin D. It may contain only 3000 IUs of active vitamin D3, and the rest may be the inactive vitamin D2.

Knowledge: When it comes to choosing which vitamin to take, knowledge is power. It is the best way of ensuring that you are purchasing the most superior product to give you best nutrition you can possibly have.

At David Allen Nutrition, we go out of our way to find the best pharmaceutical-grade products that are free from preservatives, colors, lubricants and fillers. All of our manufacturers participate in the best Good Manufacturing Practices and undergo extensive GMP audit, product and ingredient testing and manufacturing documentation review. At David Allen, we light the SPARK to illuminate the most effective pathways onto good health by sourcing the most stellar ingredients that promote human wellness.
