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Hormone Testing

//Hormone Testing

Hormone Testing

Hormones are crucial for our physical and mental well-being, but we often do not know that our hormones are imbalanced based on the symptoms that we experience. Hormone insufficiencies do not simply reside in our head, but they are of a direct result from numerous environmental factors such as stress or trauma, and nutritional insufficiency or imbalances.

Don’t just take our word for it. Check out the list below and see if you recognize any familiar symptoms.

Female Symptoms

Female Symptoms

Male Symptoms

Male Symptoms

Blood or saliva?

At David Allen Nutrition, we offer cutting-edge testing services that examine hormone levels in saliva. Through scientific research and our own experiences, hormones found in saliva are unbound and more bioavailable than hormones found in blood serum. Therefore, it paints a more accurate picture of our hormonal profile to pinpoint areas that need improvements through nutritional support.



Functions: produce energy, normalize blood sugar levels, reduce whole body inflammation, modulate stress response

Are you: constantly fatigued? Consistently stressed out?

Do you experience: depression, anxiety, and difficulty waking up in the morning?

Studies show that the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR), your cortisol level when you first wake up in the morning, is central in circadian rhythm, which is the beat that controls our daily cycle of activity. A disturbed CAR, that is a cortisol level either too low or too high in the morning, lies in the root of chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression.


DHEA has recently received a reputable name: the Fountain of Youth. Why is this? DHEA levels gradually decreases as one ages, and has been linked to cognitive function and cardiovascular health. The decline of DHEA is also exacerbated in individuals who experience high stress because the adrenal glands, the most sensitive glands to stress, also produce DHEA.


Progesterone counteracts estrogen, which in excess amounts in the body can cause breast and prostate cancers. In addition to being anti-cancer, a harmonized balance between progesterone and estrogen can prevent osteoporosis, depression, irritability, inflammation, irregular menses, breast tenderness, urinary frequency and prostate gland enlargement.


Believe it or not, women need testosterone too. It is an anabolic hormone, which means it is used to build tissues in the body. Men need it more than women, but testosterone in both males and females is necessary for bone health, muscle strength, stamina, sex drive and performance, heart function, and mental focus. It is involved in energy production and blood sugar balance. Additionally, it may be the single most important cardiovascular protective hormone.


Estrogen is primarily the hormone dominant in females. Women who are estrogen-dominant can experience weight gain, unpleasant symptoms related to Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and are at risk for breast cancer. However, for premenopausal women, estrogen is crucial to sustain at an optimal level to combat aging and maintain a good sex drive since estrogen tends to decline in these individuals.
