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9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

(818) 887-2720

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“The things I love about David Allen:

It worked and I actually lost weight and I can’t say that about anyone or anything else.

David is a genius.  David will figure out what your individual body is doing or not doing.  In my case, I wasn’t losing weight the way that I should so we did some blood tests and tried to figure out what the hold up was then we switched up some of my supplements and my eating plan.  He figured out what my problem was so that we could fix it.  Since I’d been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight for some time it was great to finally have it be someone else’s problem and then to have the problem be fixed.

It wasn’t easy changing the way that I related to food or how I ate.  It was really hard at first, and I was very emotional about it.  But then I started seeing results, and then I started to get used to it.  Now I feel so much better physically.  I have more energy and I’m more capable of everything.  I especially feel better emotionally.  I’m not a victim of my genetics/metabolism anymore.  I feel a lot better about myself and that’s pretty amazing.

And now everything in my life is perfect all thanks to David Allen.  OK it’s not perfect, but my body is better and I have hope for everything else.”

